Global Investment Banking – CL King

A global investment bank’s business thrives on doing deals. Global investment banking entails raising capital such as debt or equity for their clients as well as advising on a customer’s possible merger and acquisition transactions. On top of that, global investment banks also market securities such as stocks, bonds, and treasury bills to their institutional…

Finding Effective Offshore Banking With Good Security?

You can find internet sites offering to help you get a private offshore account, but choose carefully; some have established ‘real-world’ businesses behind them, and some are no more than a few web pages and a couple of guys in a back room.   Private offshore accounts are usually for high-net-worth individuals; you should have…

7 Online Banking Success Stories

You have seen their ads and you may have wondered if they are worth a second look. What am I talking about? Online banks! Also known as internet banks, these are financial institutions who provide the majority of their banking services over the internet. Typically, online banks offer consumers high savings rates, low loan rates,…

Offshore Investment Banking from CL King

Governments and onshore financial institutions are constantly trying to misinform us about the legitimate nature of offshore investment banking. A lot of people are now taking to time to research and are finding out the many benefits of the offshore world. Of course it’s worth mention before we get ahead that offshore banking is not…

How Can I Get In On Offshore Banking Investments?

Legislative amendments to allow for the formation of Private Trust Companies has recently been introduced in the Bahamas. This demonstrates the government’s commitment to the delivery of superior financial services to all clients.   The government is talking with stockholders including International Banks and Trust Companies, The Bahamas Financial Services Board among other financial institutions.…

Outsourced Loan Underwriting Benefit for Small Mortgage Lenders

Outsourced loan underwriting is the avenue by which many companies pass on the business of underwriting loans to an external third party. The idea to outsource underwriting activities is indeed very sensible as not only does it shift the burden of a very important step in the loan processing procedure but it also gets a…

How Advisory Companies Help in Smooth Business Mergers?

The rising number of companies dealing in the same products and services has led to a tough competition amongst the same players. To put an end to such a scenario company mergers have emerged as a favorable and profitable trend. This process however isn’t as easy as it looks, endless paperwork, process analysis, public announcements,…

Invest in Your Future with Investment Banking

When a company wants to increase their capital they will offer opportunities to the public to buy into their company. In other words, the public has the opportunity to purchase part of the company’s worth. The public will purchase what is known as securities or stocks and bonds in the company.   In order for…

As Options Fade – Restricted Stock Gains In Popularity

As publicly traded companies move away from stock options as a way to reward and motivate their employees, there’s a growing trend to issue “restricted stock” as an alternate compensation choice.   Unlike options that give employees an opportunity to buy into a company, restricted stock is direct ownership from day one. However, because of…